John Snow: Putting Cholera on the map

Long read

John Snow is famous for identifying the Broad Street Pump as the source of a Cholera outbreak. While this was his Eureka moment, his work went far beyond this, and went on to turn Cholera from a worldwide pandemic to a preventable disease.

The Woman Who Used Data to Revolutionise Healthcare

Long read

Florence Nightingale shunned her upper class lifestyle to go and save lives. When she came home, she had to put together the right data to save even more.

The Statistics that Exposed the Slave Trade

Medium read

Thomas Clarkson rode tens of thousands of miles to gather evidence on the cruelties of the slave trade. Read how the data he uncovered showed slavery to ethically indefensible and economically unviable.

Building a Robot that Detects Landmines

Long read

How I built HAROLD, a robot that detects landmines, and what this project taught me about technology in the third sector.

Data for Policy and Advocacy

Short read

Smart Fundraising

Short read

AI for Charity Operations

Short read